Pudding and Peaches are two mild mannered Shih Tzu reporters for the Daily Beagle. When MR. WATERMELON MAN attacks the Canine Citizens of DOGOPOLIS, our heroes transform into SUPER PUDDING and SUPER PEACHES to save the day! SUPER PUPS is an action packed Virtual Reality series that combines amazing animal performances, special effects and animation like never before in 8K 3D 360° VIRTUAL REALITY video with SPATIAL AUDIO!
Introducing 3D REVIEW, the WORLD'S FIRST Stereoscopic 3D Product Review Series! Powered by DOLBY! 3D REVIEW highlights innovative technology products and is captured natively in Stereoscopic 3D with virtual environments rendered using the power of Unreal Engine. The series is released in 8K 3D 360/VR and features an immersive Dolby Atmos 3D audio mix.
American Ghost Towns is an award winning Virtual Reality Series that explores America's past through the remnants of settlements and villages that have been left behind. The desolate, abandoned ruins of once busy banks, hotels and saloons dot the landscape of the old wild west. Host Ted Faye takes the viewer on a virtual tour of these once bustling towns, interviewing historians, residents and others who bring the people and places back to life.
"Historic Treasures of the National Parks: Scotty's Castle" is the pilot episode of Gold Creek VR's new series produced in association with Death Valley National Park and sponsored by the Death Valley Conservancy. In 2015 a flash flood damaged one of the National Park's most treasured places: Scotty's Castle. Located in the remote northern end of Death Valley National Park its history is a colorful chapter in the saga of the wild west. In "Scotty's Castle" the viewer experiences the grandeur of the castle and hears the tale of the two men who created a legend: millionaire Albert M. Johnson and Walter Scott, better known as "Death Valley Scotty." The castle has been available for tours for more than 70 years but sadly the flood damage closed the doors while repairs are being made. "Scotty's Castle"is more than just an intriguing tale of two friends and a tour of one of the West's most iconic structures, it is a call to action to help preserve this historic treasure of our National Parks. For more ways to help Scotty's Castle contact www.DVConservancy.org